
Human resource planning

Human Resource Planning predicts the human resource needs of the organisation after analysing the current human resources capabilities, the external labour market and the future human resource environment that the organization plans to operate in. The distinguishing feature of human resource planning from operational planning is the analysis of human resource management issues external to the organization and developing future scenarios. 

On successful completion of the Human Resource Planning course, you will receive the course certificate awarded by Magna Carta College. 

Who is it for?

The Strategic Human Resource Planning course is for anyone who needs to understand strategic human resource planning as part of their role. It is therefore particularly relevant for directors, general managers and senior managers and Human Resource professionals in all organisation both public and private.

Course content

There are four Learning Outcomes which you will cover in the course. On completion you will:


  1. Understand how the HR plan supports the strategic objectives

1.1 Assess the strategic importance of current, future and anticipated HR requirements

Closely interrelated, these criteria seek to explore the linkages between the HR function (and its planning) and the ‘strategic plan’. A key linkage is the connection between the human resource (as a key resource and competence) and an organisation’s strategic capability. It considers the notion of ‘resource based strategy’ including an analysis of the ‘value’ of such HR related competencies (threshold, unique, core etc.) in their ability to deliver strategic objectives

1.2 Analyse how HR planning impacts on the strategic plan

HR planning seeks to manage current and future HR requirements and thus will wish to align its approach to the strategic direction of the organisation. This includes forecasting the replacement demand within the organisation over time (due to demographic changes, retirement and other attrition for example) and then factoring in any growth in demand for employees in order to establish a total demand profile in line with strategic objectives. This element will not only consider the numbers of staff but also the skills sets required. Relevant contributors include: Barney (1991), Hamel and Prahalad (1990) and Johnson, Scholes and Whittington (2008)


  1. Understand the legal and organisational frameworks for employment

2.1 Evaluate the current legal requirements influencing a HR plan

Employment law and associated legal dimensions (e.g. Human Rights) present a dynamic and sometimes complex environment for the HR function and HR planning. HR planning will seek to meet the needs of the organisation both strategically and operationally whilst remaining compliant of the legal framework. Dimensions here include consideration of:

  • equality/ discriminatory practice,
  • health and safety responsibilities,
  • Data Protection,
  • family friendly requirements and flexibilities,
  • pension’s provision and
  • consultation arrangements.

2.2 Describe a process for recruitment and selection of new staff that complies with current legislation and organisation requirements

The process will be informed by an overarching requirement for fairness. Specific stages of the process may include consideration of the following elements:

  • non-discriminatory practices in the production of job descriptions and person specifications,
  • advertising, application criteria, short listing, interviewing and testing,
  • obtaining references and
  • contracting


  1. Understand the effect of the organisational culture on staff

3.1 Discuss how organisational culture affects recruitment and retention of staff

A discussion on organisational culture with a referenced definition from a suitable source. Contributors to consider here include Schein, Handy, Johnson et al, Jim Collins and tools and models include: the cultural web or ‘Handy’s four cultures’ for example. Organisational values can also usefully be discussed as a dimension of culture. In contextualising the discussion to an organisation, opportunities exist to evaluate and discuss impacts around recruitment and retention of staff; including the notion of recruiting individuals who provide cultural fit and are aligned with organisational values.

3.2 Evaluate work life balance issues and the changing patterns of work practices

In terms of work-life balance and ‘changing’ work practices, this can be linked to (amongst other things) organisational culture, but also the changing nature of society and the market place (employment law, globalisation, aging population, Generation X v Generation Y, parenting and caring responsibilities), the impact of this can inform many changes to the extent to which staff seek employment which provides them with an acceptable level of flexibility and work life balance (and similarly presents challenges for employers to ensure they can attract and retain the right calibre of staff). Some resulting types of ‘changing work practices’ include:

  • 24/7 production and sophisticated shift patterns,
  • flexible hours,
  • term time only contracts,
  • school hours-friendly working patterns,
  • family friendly policies, working remotely,
  • job sharing,
  • hot desking and
  • the casualisation of the workforce (agency and seasonal staff capacity etc.).


  1. Understand the grievance, discipline and dismissal process. Understand how the HR plan supports the strategic objectives

4.1 Identify the process to be followed in a grievance situation

This will be informed by the selected organisation’s approach/policy and will outline the ‘journey’ through a grievance, highlighting where elements are informed by statute or interpreted in codes of practice (e.g. ACAS). Considerations here include:

  • informal and formal stages,
  • what records are required,
  • investigations,
  • representations,
  • the range of outcomes,
  • appeals procedures,
  • records retention periods and
  • requirements (notes on ‘files’).

4.2 Describe the stages of a discipline issue that results in dismissal

Similarly, this criterion will draw from actual HR policies that inform the disciplinary process and in this example are focused on the stages that result in the most serious of all the outcomes: dismissal. To this end, areas for consideration could include:

  • stages,
  • record keeping standards and requirements,
  • differences between misconduct and gross misconduct,
  • investigations,
  • representations,
  • warnings,
  • summary dismissal,
  • appeal procedures,
  • records retention periods and requirements (notes on ‘files’).

4.3 Explain the role of ACAS, Employment Tribunals and other external agencies that could be involved in grievance, discipline and dismissal processes

Because of the complexities faced by the HR function and the challenges of dealing with certain HR issues, a number of external agencies are active in this environment; the main ones are ACAS and Employment Tribunals (ETs). You will review the web based and other information sources pertaining to these agencies in order to formulate a response to these criteria which include:

  • Issue of Codes of Practice,
  • mediation services,
  • advice and guidance,
  • dispute resolution activities,
  • interpretation of the legal framework,
  • ruling on cases and
  • financial settlements
Entry requirements
The Strategic Human Resource Planning course has the following entry requirements: Experience: You must have at least one year of relevant work experience (paid and/or unpaid) with levels of responsibility, participation and/or achievement of a range of relevant professional qualifications. Language Skills: You must also have an appropriate standard of English to enable you to access relevant resources and complete the unit assignments.
What is included?

Everything you need to successfully pass is included and there are no additional fees.

In addition, you receive Affiliate Membership of the CMI which gives you access to their excellent Management Direct. It is a complete online library of comprehensive and up-to-date material that addresses current management practice.

How do I study and how long does it take?

The Strategic Human Resource Planning course is taught through our online Teaching Zone using essential reading material such as checklists, models, templates and articles coupled with short videos. There are also optional live and recorded webinars delivered by our tutors. Plus, you will also have a personal tutor who is a subject expert whom you can contact if you have any questions.

The course is split into four one-week sessions. Coupled with time for your assessment to be marked and confirmed it should take you approximately 8 weeks in total to complete this qualification. Although it may vary in practice depending on your commitment and how easy you find it to study. It is possible to take less than four weeks if you concentrate on the course and commit your time to it, or equally if you have the pressure of other commitments you can spread your studies out over a longer period.

In our online Teaching Zone, the course content is divided into weekly activities which cover the three Learning Outcomes. You work through the study material in the order presented. When you have finished the course content you then need to complete the assignment in the Assessment Section. You can submit drafts which your personal tutor will review and give you any advice or feedback they think is relevant. When you are happy with your assignment, you submit it online through the facility in the Assessment Section and receive your results about one month later.

How is it assessed?

This course is assessed by a 3,500 word written assignment. There is no examination required.